Verbascum heterobarbatum

Verbascum heterobarbatum

 Sakallı sığırkuyruğu

Biennial, 80-110 cm, greyish floccose-tomentose, glabrescent. Stem robust, terete, branched. Basal leaves greenish, sparasely hairy above, floccose-tomentose beneath, elliptic to lanceolate, 12-15 x 3-6 cm, crenate, petiole winged, 2-4 cm; cauline smaller, upper cordate-ovate to ovate, crenulate. Inflorescence dense, much branched, forming broad panicle, flowers 2-5 in clusters at first contiguous, later remote. Lower bracts ovate, acuminate, upper lanceolate, caudate; bracteoles 2. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx 6-8 mm, floccose-tomentose, interspersed with microglands, lobes linear-lanceolate, acute. Corolla yellow, 25-35 mm diam., without pellucid glands; pubescent outside. Stamens 5, 3 posterior filaments with whitish-yellow wool up to anthers; 2 anterior with a line of purple-violet hairs, their anthers decurrent, 3-3·5 mm. Capsule ovate, 7-8 x 4-5 mm, tomentose. Fl. 6-7. Roadsides, steppe, fallow fields, serpentine slopes, 870-1020 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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