Viscum album
Viscum album
Ssp abietis: Göknar güveleği; Ssp album: Çam güveleği
Stems branched, to 80 cm. Leaves 2.5-7 cm, obovate-oblong, obtuse, 3-5 nerved. Flowers sessile in 3-5-flowered fascicles. Perianth 4-merous; male tepals 4-5 mm, ovate, acute; female tepals 0.5-0.75 mm, triangular, acute, Fruit c. 1 cm, white or yellow, globose or pyriform. Fl. 3-6. On various trees, 300-2000 m.
1. Seeds usually triangular; fruit usually globose; leaves less than 4 x as long as broad subsp. album
1. Seeds oblong, ± convex-sided; fruit usually pyriform; leaves more or less than 4 x as long as broad
2. Fruit yellow; leaves more than 4 x as long as broad subsp. austriacum
2. Fruit white; leaves less than 4 x as long as broad subsp. abietis
Distribution of species: temperate Eurasia, N. Africa.