Rosa dumalis

Rosa dumalis

 Ssp antalyensis: İt gülü

Shrub 1-2 m, ± erect. Prickles small to rather coarse, ± curved, compressed, with a gradually dilated base, uniform, often sparse. Leaves often glaucescent, sometimes pruinose, subcoriaceous; leaflets 5-7, broadly elliptic to ovate, 1.2-3.5 x 1-2.6 cm, obtuse to acute, base cuneate to rounded, glabrous or somewhat pubescent beneath, rarely so above, uni- or bi-serrate, teeth rather short, apicu-late; stipules usually broad with triangular to acuminate, ± diverging auricles. Flowers usually solitary or 2-6 together, bracts rather broad. Pedicels often short, 0.5-1.5 cm, smooth to glandular-hispid. Sepals ovate, 1.5-2.7 cm, usually with a short, often not much dilated apex, coriaceous and ± rigid, outer sepals pinnatifid with long narrowly lanceolate, entire or sparsely glandular-toothed lobes, usually glabrous or with a few glands on the back, patent to almost erect or sometimes deflexed, persistent almost until the fruit matures. Petals up to 3 cm long, usually bright pink. Styles not much exserted, villous to lanate, stigma-head compact, semiglobose: disc rather narrow, flat to concave, orifice wide. Hypanthia ovoid or pyriform, occasionally globose, 1.5-2.2 cm, smooth or with some stalked glands, often prumose, ripening early, red. Fl. 5-6. Rocky slopes, hillsides, cliffs, scrub and dry fores: s and meadows, often along water courses, 1000-2300 m.
 1. Leaves not pruinose, rachis green  var. boissieri =R.boissieri
 1. Leaves bluish-pruinose, rachis purplish  var. antalyensis =Ssp antalyensis
var. antalyensis
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