Nigella oxypetala


Nigella oxypetala


Fırat çörekotu
Plant glabrescent, 15-50 cm, with ascending branches . Leaf laciniae long, linear, the terminal 1-2 mm broad and not larger than the lateral . Flowers loosely involucrate. Sepals greenish-yellow, oblong, scarcely clawed. Lower lip of petals with each lobe produced into a long, filiform, pilose appendage. Follicles 2-12, compressed, oblong, with 3 abaxial nerves, smooth, united at least to the middle, scarcely divergent, usually 1,5-2 x the styles. Seeds discoid. Fl. 5-7. Rocky slopes, fallow fields, 900-1200 m. 
Iran, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert, Anti-Lebanon. Ir.-Tur. element.
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