Delphinium raveyi
Delphinium raveyi
Topal mahmuz
Stem 10-40 cm, flexuous, bearing scattered, yellowish, spreading, glandular hairs, simple or sparing!y branched below, floriferous nearly to base. Leaf laciniae linear or linear-oblanceolate adpressed-pubescent. Raceme spike-like, lax. Bracts laciniate. Bracteoles entire, linear, thick and concave. Flowers subsessile, violet. Spur about ½ as long as posterior sepal. Corolla 3-lobed; lateral lobes small, rounded, much shorter than the oblong, bifid, upper lobe. Follicles hidden between bracteoles, oblong-linear, adpressed to stem. Fl. 6-7. Steppe, stonyplaces, fields, 900-1600 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element