Rhynchocorys stricta

Rhynchocorys stricta

Hoş filburnu

Annual, glandular-pilose or villous. Stems erect, unbranched or branched above, 10-30 cm. Leaves triangular-ovate or ovate, to 3 x 1,3 cm, crenate-serrate, very shortly petiolate. Inflorescence lax, or ± condensed; flowers solitary in upper leafaxils. Pedicels spreading-erect, to 3 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate to 10 mm; tube c. 4 mm. Corolla golden yellow or yellow, c. 18 mm; tube c. 5 mm; upper lip c. 13 mm incl. a C. 6-8 mm, straight beak; lower lip 13 x c. 15 mm, with 3 ± equal lobes, Capsule c. 5x 4,5mm, suborbicular, villous; seeds 4-8, 2,3x1,8 mm, reticulate. Fl. 6-9. Meadows, edge of forest, rocky slopes, 1370-2700m
Caucasus, Georgia. Euxine element. 
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