Traunsteineria sphaerica
Traunsteinera sphaerica
Yayla salebi
Stem stout, 25-60 cm. Spike short, 2-5 cm, 2.5-3,.5 cm diam. Flowers creamy-white. Bracts slightly shorter than ovary. Sepals gently tapering from ovate base. Petals acuminate, slightly shorter than sepals. Labellum 5-8 mm, lateral lobes rhomboid, middle lobe oblong, abruptly constricted to a linear apex. Spur narrowly cylindrical, slightly curved, c. 3mm.. Fl. 6-7. Lush alpine pasture and meadows with Rhododendron, forest margins, 1600-2400 m.
Caucasia. Hyrcano-Euxine element.