Linum unguiculatum


Linum unguiculatum


Sivas keteni
Stems ascending or erect, 25-45 cm, x 1,5-2,5 mm, ± solid, pubescent. Leaves oblong-linear, 1-3-nerved, attenuate above and less so below, acute, green, 18-38 x 3-6 mm, densely margined by stalked glands. Cymes ± dichotomous, many-flowered, rather lax, 5-10 cm wide in flower, Outer sepals narrowly oblong- ovate, 8-9 mm, glandular-ciliate nearly to the base. Petals red or pinkish mauve, 28-36 mm, the obovate-orbicular limb abruptly narrowed into a claw 1-1 ½  x limb. Stigmas shorter than in L. hirsutum. Capsule unknown. Fl. 6. Steppe, 800- 1600 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element