Linum pamphylicum

Linum pamphylicum

Subsp.pamphylicum: Bucak keteni ; subsp. olympicum: Kaynak keteni

Herbaceous, glaucous perennial. Flowering stems erect, c. 15 cm, with scabrid ridges and persistent basal rosettes. Rosette leaves orbicular-spathulate, petiolate, thick, 10-15 mm; median cauline leaves oblong-lanceolate, very acute, 1-3-nerved , 12-25 x 2-6 mm, with stipular glands. Leaves of sterile shoots oblanceolate, 3-nerved. Cyme 3-17-flowered, with peduncles spreading at c. 45° and ending in 3-flowered cymules. Sepals  lanceolate, 8-12 mm, keeled, with narrow membranous glandular-ciliate margins. Petals yellow, 20-25 mm, short clawed. Fruit unknown. Fl. 5. Dry hills, rocky slopes, c. 900 m.

Endemic; E. Medit. element.

Subsp. olympicum-Bursa
  • 110
  • 4
  • 0

Subsp. olympicum-Bursa

Aylin Meriçlioğlu Yılmaz