Linum obtusatum
Linum obtusatum
Akdağ keteni
Plant suffruticose, bearing short sterile shoots of densely imbricate, minute, mucronate, glabrous or puberulent leaves. Flowering stems erect or divergent , 10-30 cm, densely leaved, 1-9-flowered. Leaves linear, very acute, 8-10 mm x 1-3 mm, obscurely 1-nerved, glabrous. Pedicels erect in fruit. Sepals 4-6 mm, oblong-elliptic, obtuse , submucronate, prominently 3-nerved in the lower part, the inner broader, all eglandular. Petals blue, 12-18 mm, overlapping nearly to the top. Capsule broadly ovoid, 7-9 mm. FI. 5-7. Rocky limestone and igneous slopes, 2000-3000 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.