Linum mucronatum


Linum mucronatum


Ssp armenum: Sarıkamış keteni; Ssp gypsicola: Tebeşir keteni;
Ssp mucronatum: Sarı keten; Ssp orientale: Nizip keteni
Herbaceous or suffruticose perennial, ± glaucous, usually glabrous. Flowering stems lined but smooth, 5-30 cm. Median cauline leaves usually 1-nerved, with stipular glands, oblong to oblong-lanceolate or linear, acute or acuminate, 1-3 cm. Sterile rosettes none or few at flowering time, or with an imbricate column of small spathulate leaves on long sterile shoots, or at the base of flowering stems. Cymes 3-many flowered, often with widely spreading branches, at least in fruit. Sepals lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or rarely ovate, acuminate, 6-13 mm, often keeled, margin membranous and ± glandular-ciliate. Petals yellow or apricot-yellow, often with a purple claw, 15-28 mm. Capsule 5-6 mm; beak 1 mm.

1. Plant strongly shrubby at base, the lower leaves small, spathulate, and densely imbricated in a column ; petals apricot-yellow subsp. mucronatum 
1. Plant herbaceous, the lower leaves not as above; petals clear yellow, with or without a purple claw
  2. Sepals 7-13 mm; leaves 2-7 mm broad, often broadest above, flat; cymes 3-many-flowered, lax; petals 20-28 mm, with or without a purple claw
     3. Stems straight; leaves oblong, acute; cymes divaricate ; petals yellow throughout; sepals c. 1 ½  x capsule  subsp. orientale
     3. Stems usually flexuous; leaves oblong, obovate or linear-oblong, usually abruptly acuminate; cymes more widely divaricate; petals with or without a purple claw; sepals c. 2 x capsule  subsp. armenum
  2. Sepals 6-8 mm; leaves 1-1.5 mm broad, linear, involute; cymes 3-7-flowered, compact; petals 15-20 mm, plain yellow subsp. gypsicola
    4. Leaves glabrous var. gypsicola 
    4. Leaves papillose-puberulent var. papilliferum