Salvia heldreichiana

Salvia heldreichiana

Ayaklı şalba
Shrub, much branched, to 1.5 m. Young shoots ± erect, leafy, pilose and villous with some sessile glands below, short hairs ± retrorse, glandular-pilose to -villous above with capitate glandular hairs. Leaves trisect, terminal segment much larger than laterals, broadly elliptic to obovate, 1.2-2.6 x 0.5-1.2 cm, pubescent and villous with numerous sessile glands to glabrescent, serrulate to crenulate; petiole 0.8-1.5 cm, long ciliate. Verticillasters 2-6 flowered, forming an ovoid or elongated oblong spike. Bracts ovate-acuminate, often tinged reddish-purple, c. 20-25 x 7-10 mm; bracteoles present. Pedicels 2-4 mm. Calyx ± tubular, 14-17 mm, to 16-20 mm in fruit, glandular-ciliate. Corolla blue-purple, 25-30 mm; tube c. 20 mm, annulate. Stamens A. Nutlets rounded, oblong, c. 4 x 3 mm, brown. 2n = 14,15,16. Fl. 6-8. Limestone slopes, with Pinus nigra and Quercus, screes, fieldsides, 900-2000 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element. Distinctive among this group of trifoliate pinnatisect species on account of the shrubby habit, large terminal leaflets, large usually coloured bracts and spike-like inflorescences.
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