Phlomis samia

 Phlomis samia 

Pembe çalba
Herb to 100 cm. Leaves eglandular-stellate-tomentose above, whitish stellate-tomentose with glandular hairs beneath, basal leaves lanceolate-ovate to broadly ovate, cordate or sagittate at base, crenate or serrate, 8-23 x 5-15 cm, petiole to 18 cm. Floral leaves shortly petiolate, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate. Verticillasters 3-5, 12-20-flowered. Bracteoles subulate, 20-26 mm, stellate-glandu1ar-tomentose. Calyx 18-25 mm, stellate-glandular tomentose, teeth 6-12 mm, subulate. Corolla purple, 30-35 mm, upper lip galeate, not ciliate. Nutlets glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Pinus and Cedrus forest, metamorphic soils, volcanic slopes, 400-1750 m.
S. Jugoslavia, Greece. E. Medit. element. The provenance of the type is uncertain; there are no other records of this species from the Aegean.
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