Nepeta teucriifolia

Nepeta teucriifolia

 Eşek yarpuzu

Syn: Nepeta fissa
Perennial; stem ± erect, 20-95 cm, glabrous to densely and shortly puberulous. Leaves usually ± triangular, rarely rhomboid or reniform, 1.4-5 x 1.4-4.5 cm, base truncate or cordate, rarely cuneate, crenate to coarsely dentate, lightly to densely puberulous; petiole 0.7-4.8 cm. Inflorescence usually lax, at least lower cymes pedunculate, flowers congested or loose. Bracteoles lanceolate-elliptic to elliptic-oblong, much shorter than calyx. Calyx tubular, ± straight, 6-8 mm, mouth oblique, teeth acuminate or blunt, ovate-oblong to triangular, much shorter than tube, lower lip deeply cleft, ± pubescent to scabridulous, glandular or not, often purple. Corolla blue or lilac to purple, 10-21 mm, exserted from calyx teeth. Nutlets elliptic to oblong, ± trigonous, smooth, c. 1.7 x 1 mm. Fl. 6-9. Volcanic and serpentine rocks, screes, slopes, steppe, dry or moist banks, 1100-1950 m.
Caucasia, N., N.W, W. & C. Iran, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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