Hypericum celikaensis

Hypericum celikaensis

Shrub up to 35 cm tall, erect, bushy, rounded, with branches erect to ascending. Stems 2-lined, green when young ; cortex loosening and becoming whitish in second year, then bark pale grey. Leaves sessile; lamina 10‒40 × 10‒30 mm, lanceolate or elliptic to ovate, apex acute, emarginate, obtuse to rounded, base truncate to ± cordate-amplexicaul, thinly coriaceous, deciduous before growth of new shoots, midrib scarcely prominent, 6‒10 pairs of lateral veins, scarcely distinct from tertiary reticulation, glaucous especially beneath. Inflorescence corymbiform to broadly hemispherical, c. 5‒30-flowered from 1‒4 nodes; pedicels 2‒7 mm long; bracteoles 1.5‒3 mm long, triangular-subulate, margin ± entire with fringed lax black glands. Flowers c. 13‒17 mm in diam.; buds elliptic, obtuse to rounded. Sepals 3‒5 × 1.2‒2.5 mm, unequal to subequal, free, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute to subacute or sometimes rounded, entire, margin distally with 2‒7 sessile black glands; veins 3‒5, subprominent. Petals 8‒11 × 4‒6 mm , obovate to elliptic, asymmetrically retuse, bright yellow, not tinged red, with glands linear striiform. Stamens 13‒20, 9‒13 mm long, as long as petals. Ovary 3.5‒4.5 × 2‒2.5 mm, narrowly ovoid; styles 8‒10 mm long , widely curved-ascending; stigmas narrowly capitate. Capsule 5‒7 × 3.5‒5 mm, exceeding sepals, very narrowly ovoid to cylindric, truncate, with persistent horn-like style bases, exceeding sepals. Seeds 1.95 – 2.64 × 0.29 – 0.57 mm, cylindrical, reticulate, brown. Flowering period from June to July, fruiting period from July to August.


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