Hypericum albiflorum

Hypericum albiflorum


Syn: H.aviculariifolium ssp aviculariifolium var albiflorum
Stems 5-60 cm, erect or prostrate, branching and sometimes rooting at the base, ± densely black-gland-dotted, glabrous or puberulous. Leaves 5-35 mm, oblong or linear to elliptic or obovate, with intramarginal and usually superficial black glands, glabrous or shortly pubescent. Sepals oblong to linear-oblong or lanceolate, acute to rounded, glandular-ciliate or with sessile glands, with numerous superficial black dots or streaks, glabrous. Petals 8-15 mm, with black marginal and black or amber superficial glands. Capsule 5-10 mm, with dorsal vittae and lateral vesicles. A very polymorphic species, closely allied to H. organifolium. Although very difficult to classify satisfactorily, it can be divided as follows:
1. Stems scabrid to puberulous ………………………………………..subsp. byzantinum
1. Stems glabrous
   2. Leaves shortly pubescent; petals usually with some black glandular streaks .subsp. uniflorum
   2. Leaves glabrous to papillose-puberulous; petals with black glandular dots only
     3. Stems usually erect, 30-60 cm; leaves oblong to linear ; inflorescence many- flowered, pyramidal to narrowly cylindric
       4. Sepals ribbed, obtuse to rounded or glandular-mucronate; leaves 20-35 mm; petals sometimes white or pinkish subsp. aviculariifolium var. albiflorum
Endemic. E. Medit. element. The white- or pink-flowered form has a narrower inflorescence than the yellow-flowered type.
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