Quercus hartwissiana

Quercus hartwissiana

 Istranca meşesi

Deciduous columnar tree to 10-25 m, with ± narrow branching habit; young shoots glabrous, dark reddish-brown; buds c. 4 mm, ciliate-margined, reddish-brown. Leaves usually obovate, sometimes oblong-obovate, to 12 x 7 cm, sub cordate, with 7-10 pairs of ± regular, shallowly rounded to acute lobes; primary veins 7-10, parallel; intercalary veins absent, rarely present; indumentum below of very small simple or stellate hairs when young, becoming glabrous or with hairs only on veins, pale green, glabrous above and dark green; petiole to 2 cm, glabrous. Peduncle to 7 cm, glabrous. Cupule hemispherical, 15-20 mm diam., greyish-brown; scales concentric, concrescent except for ± adpressed apices, convex; acorn 2/3 exserted. Fr. 7-8. In broad-leaved deciduous and mixed forest in damp places, 20-1300 m.
Bulgaria, W. Transcaucasia. 
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