Vicia narbonensis
Vicia narbonensis
Stout, subglabrous to pilose-hirsute annual, 15-70 cm. The upper leaves with 2-3 pairs of leaflets, the lower with 1 pairs;-leaflets large, 10-40 x 9-20 mm, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate to ovate-orbicular or obovate; stipules semi-hastate to semi-orbicular, entire to dentate or incised; tendrils simple or branched. Peduncle shorter than flowers, 1-6-flowered. Flower 16-30 mm, ± concolorous, usually dark violet, infrequently lilac or tinged with cream. Calyx 8-10 mm, mouth slightly oblique; teeth somewhat unequal, ± lanceolate, ½ as long to as long as tube. Standard 2-2 ½ x as long as calyx, with the limb as long as the claw and manifestly longer than the wings. Legumes 35-50 x, linear-oblong, with a recurved beak, ± tubercled-hairy, becoming glabrescent at maturity except for the tubercled-ciliate margins. Seeds 4-6, subglobose, 4-6 mm, hilum short. Fl. 4-6. Mainly fallow fields, on limestone and volcanic soils, s.l.-1500 m.
1. Leaflets ovate to elliptic or obovate, entire, sometimes sparsely denticulate towards the apex; stipules entire or dentate .........var. narbonensis
1. Leaflets obovate to oblong-oblanceolate, all or only those of the upper or lower leaves dentate, serrate or crenate along the margins or towards the apex; stipules dentate-incised ...................var. serratifolia
Distribution of species: S. Europe, Romania, Hungary, Crimea, S.W. Asia, N. Africa.