Vicia cypria

Vicia cypria

 Kıbrıs baklası

Glabrous annual, 7-40 cm, ascending to erect or climbing. Leaflets 3-6-paired, 3-14 x 2-8 mm, obovate to elliptic, truncate to emarginate; the upper stipules dimorphic, the smaller one narrow, sparsely toothed or entire, the larger one substipitate and incised-laciniate; tendrils branched. Peduncle 1-3-flowered, mostly less than ½  as long as leaf, longer or shorter than flowers. Flowers 12-18 mm, bicoloured. Calyx 5-7 mm, hardly gibbous, with a somewhat oblique lip, glabrous; teeth subequal, about as long as tube; lanceolate-subulate. Standard cream, dark blue towards apex, limb 1 ½ x claw; wings and keel cream. Legumes oblong to linear-lanceolate, 20-26 x 4-6 mm, shortly beaked, glabrous. Seeds 3-6, hilum short. Fl. 4. Limestone slopes, c.650 m.
Cyprus, Lebanon, N. Palestine.
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