Trifolium repens

Trifolium repens

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Prostrate perennial 10-30 cm, rooting at the nodes. Leaves with long petioles; leaflets 1-2 cm, broadly obovate, rounded or retuse at the apex; stipules broad at the base with a short subula. Inflorescence umbellate, 1,5-4,0 cm diam., 20-40-flowered, peduncles much longer than the subtending leaves. Flowers white or pinkish, fragrant; pedicels as long as the calyx at least, soon deflexed. Calyx 2-6 mm, campanulate,10-nerved; teeth unequal, lanceolate. Corolla 4-12 mm. Legume usually 3-4-seeded. Fl. 3-9.
1. Umbels to 3,5 cm diam.; leaflets 1-4 cm ..........................................var. giganteum
1. Umbels to 2 cm diam.; leaflets smaller
    2. Umbels 1,5-2,0 cm diam.; flowers 5- mm .........var. repens
    2. Umbels to 1,2 cm diam.; flowers 4-8 mm
      3. Flowers pink; pedicels glabrous ............................................var.orphanideum
      3. Flowers white; pedicels hairy .................................................var. macrorrhizum