Trifolium constantinopolitanum
Trifolium constantinopolitanum
Erect or ascending annual, 15-35 cm. Stipules with the free portion lanceolate or subulate. Leaflets 1.5-2 cm, elliptic to obovate-oblong, obtuse or mucronate. Flowering inflorescence ovoid to obconical, becoming oblong-cylindrical in fruit, 1-1.5 cm, pedunculate. Calyx tube cylindrical in flower, urceolate in fruit and closed by a 2-lipped callosity, 10-nerved, densely hairy at the base; teeth subulate, acute, thickened and stellately spreading in fruit. Corolla 8-12 mm, cream, keel often purple-tipped, up to 1.5 x as long as the calyx. Fl. 4-6. Damp fields, roadsides, riverbanks, etc., s.I.-700 m.
Switzerland, France, W. Syria. Introduced in Italy and Algeria. Sometimes cultivated in Turkey.