Astragalus lineatus

Astragalus lineatus


Caulescent herb with woody caudices and prostrate or ascending stems to 12 cm. Leaves 1-4 cm; leaflets elliptic to narrowly elliptic, retuse, obtuse or acute, usually densely simple-pilose, 8-12-paired; stipules 6-10 mm narrowly triangular. Flowers in dense, 6-25-flowered spikes which lengthen with age. Bracts 5-10 mm, linear to narrowly ovate. Calyx 12-17 mm, tubular at first, becoming globose-inflated, long simple-white-pilose, sometimes with black hairs; teeth 3-7 mm, linear, black- and white-hairy. Corolla white, pink or mauve; standard 18-30 mm. Legumes ovoid, densely long-pilose, mucronate, included in calyx.
1. Leaflets 1,0-1,5 mm broad var. jildisianus
1. Leaflets 2-4 mm broad
      2. Calyx teeth 3-4 mm; standard 18-25 mm var.lineatus
      2. Calyx teeth 4-7 mm; standard 23-30 mm var. longidens
+var bibracteolatus
  • 509
  • 2
  • 0
  • 518
  • 1
  • 0
  • 525
  • 1
  • 0