Carex cuprina


Carex cuprina


Syn: C.otrubae
Caespitose. Stems 30-100 cm, suberect, no t or scarcely winged, with almost flat surfaces. Leaves bright green, paler when dry, 4-12 mm broad; ligule ovate to lanceolate, acute. Inflorescence branched at least at base; lowest bract sometimes leaf-like but usually setaceous, to c. as long as inflorescence, usually also with several other setaceous bracts longer than spikes. Female glumes ovate, acuminate or aristate, pale orange-brown with green midrib. Utricles greenish or orange-brown to dark brown when ripe, ovate, 5·6 mm, with broad spongy base, shining, not papillose, with rectangular epidermal cells; beak not winged, scabrid or smooth, without dorsal slit. Streamsides, ditches and other damp places, also in forests, s.l.-2100 m
W., C. & S. Europe, C. & S. Russia, Cyprus, N.W. Africa, W. Syria, Iraq, N. Iran, Khorassan, Afghanistan, Transcaspia. Euro-Sib. element? 
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