Convolvulus pilosellifolius

Convolvulus pilosellifolius

Kıllı yayılgan

Perennial, often woody-based herb, 30-40 cm; adpressed-pilose with scattered spreading hairs. Leaves sessile, entire; basal oblanceolate, median a.nd upper ovate-lanceolate; hairs sparser than those of stem. Flowers axillary and terminal, solitary or in 2-3-flowered cymes. Outer sepals ovate-elliptic, acute, adpressed-pilose with scattered spreading hairs. Corolla pink, 11-14 mm. Ovary glabrous. Fl. 6. Bare calcareous ground, 'desert', c. 1200 m.

N. Africa, W. Syria, Sinai, Arabia, N. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

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