Saponaria chlorifolia
Saponaria chlorifolia
Glabrous, glaucous annual with several simple, prostrate or ascending branches with long internodes. Basal leaves ovate, obtuse, petiolate. Cauline leaves perfoliate, suborbicular. Inflorescence a terminal capitulum of 3-12 pedicellate flowers subtended by an enveloping perfoliate leaf shorter than the calyces; each flower with a small scarious bract. Calyx oblong-ovate, c. 9 mm with short, c. 1 mm, triangular teeth. Petals pink, linear-oblong, c. 10 x 1-1,5 mm, entire. Capsule oblong-ovate, c. 12 mm, exceeding calyx. Fl. 4-7. Screes, rocky slopes, 800-1800 m.
Endemic. S. chlorifolia has the floral and fruit characters of a typical Saponaria but is unique in the genus on account of its perfoliate leaves and capitate inflorescence.