Campanula lyrata

Campanula lyrata

 Ssp lyrata: Memek

Scabrid, subhispid to pubescent, biennial or perennial. Stem single and erect, 15-50 cm, or many-stemmed or rarely ascending with main stem frequently more robust. Basal leaves lyrate or oblong-ovate to cordate, serrate-crenate, long lobulate-petiolate. Flowers pedicellate or subsessile, in racemes or panicles. Calyx lobes to ½ as long as corolla tube. Appendages ovate, densely and roughly hirsute or subhispid, wholly concealing ovary. Corolla cylindrical to narrowly infundibular, tube 12-25 mm, violet-blue. Fl. 4-7. Stony places, cliffs, banks, etc., s.l.-1700 m.
1. Plant subhispid, scabrid; stems erect; basal leaves lyrate or oblong-ovate; corolla tube to 20 mm subsp. lyrata 
1. Plant pubescent; stems erect or rarely ascending; basal leaves cordate; corolla tube to 25 mm subsp. icarica 
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