Diplotaxis erucoides


Diplotaxis erucoides


Bostan penki
Annual herb, 15-60 cm; stems erect or ascending, branched from base, hispid with short, simple, recurved hairs. Leaves dimorphic; lower ones forming a lax rosette, petiolate, lyrate, pinnatipartite, with 6-10 lobes or lowermost ±entire, upper cauline ones ±amplexicaul, sessile, all sparsely hairy. Petals 7-13 mm;  lamina white with violet veins, sometimes turning violet after anthesis), obovate; claw narrow, violet. Siliqua 20-40 x 1.5-2 mm, ascending; stipe to 1 mm; beak conical, to 5 mm, almost as broad as valves. Seeds c. 1x 0,7 mm. Fl. 3-4. Edges of fields and orchards. c. 30 m.
N. Africa, S.W. Europe. W. Syria, Arabia, Iran, Iraq; casual or adventive in C. Europe and Ethiopia.
  • 666
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  • 692
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var. erucoides
  • 638
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