Brassica nigra


Brassica nigra


Kara hardal
Annual herb up to 1,5 m or more, usually branched from about the middle. Stem covered below with stiff bristly hairs, glabrous in region of inflorescence. Basal leaves petiolate, lyrate-pinnatisect with a large terminal lobe, hispid on both surfaces. Upper leaves oblong-linear, entire, glabrous. Petals c. 8 x 3-4 mm, bright yellow. Siliquae 10-17 x 1,5-2 mm including a very narrow beak 1,5-3 mm. Seeds not mucilaginous. Fl. 3-5. Waste places and fields in the lowlands.
Throughout Europe, N. Africa, S.W. Asia and most temperate parts of the world.
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