Brassica deflexa


Brassica deflexa


Sarkık lahana
Annual up to c. 60 cm, usually branched from base or rarely sub-simple. Stem usually hispid below, glabrescent above. Lower leaves petiolate, oblong-ovate, coarsely toothed or lyrate, with an indumentum oflong white hairs. Upper leaves oblong, sessile. Petals lemon or bright yellow, 1-1,3cm, broadly obovate, with many inconspicuous nerves. Ovary 30-40-ovulate. Fruiting pedicels 10-18 mm, deflexed, glabrous or with a few long white hairs. Siliquae glabrous, torulose, 3-6 cm x c. 2 mm, with a prominent turgid beak c. 4 mm. Seeds small with a black hilum. Fl. 3-5. Rocky slopes and cultivated places.
Syrian Desert, Iran , Afghanistan. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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