Paracaryum strictum
Paracaryum strictum
Meşe çarşakotu
Densely white-hispid perennial or biennial, stems several, 30-40 cm, erect. Basal leaves oblanceolate, 40-80 x 5-7 mm, margin often coarsely and irregularly undulate, cauline lanceolate, semi-amplexicaul, margin sometimes undulate. Cymes terminal and subterminal, few-flowered. Calyx 3-4,5 mm, lobes elliptic-ovate. Corolla deep blue to purple, 4,5-6 mm, tube c. 3 mm, shorter than calyx. Lobes of limb ovate. Scales triangular-ovate, sometimes slightly incurved, shortly papillose, apex emarginate. Style 1,5-3 mm. Nutlets suborbicular, cup-shaped, 4-7 mm diam., disc echinulate, margin of wing incurved, teeth in 3 rows. Fl. 4-7. Quercus scrub, eroded stony slopes, scree, calcareous shale, Artemisia steppe, roadsides, streambeds, 400-2500 m.
N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.