Nonea versicolor


Nonea versicolor


Çayır sormuğu
Hispid-setose annual. Stems 15-45 cm. Leaves linear- to oblong-Ianceolate, 4-7x0.6-1.6 mm, entire or weakly repand; cauline semiamplexicaul. Calyx 6-9 mm, divided to c. 1/3 , lobes triangular, acute to subobtuse; fruiting calyx 10-13 mm. Corolla tube pinkish, throat yellow, lobes blue, 12-14 mm, infundibular, limb erecto-patent, 0·8-1 cm diam.; scales and throat short-hairy, annulus hairy. Anthers 2 mm. Nutlets obliquely ovoid, 3-4 x 2·5-3 mm, puberulent, greyish-brown, reticulate-rugose, tuberculate, beak obliquely erect, basal ring densely plicatulate. Fl. 6-7. Rocky igneous slopes, eroded igneous banks, stony places, grasslqnd, fields, 1400-2500 m.
Caucasia. Euxine element.
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