Moltkia coerulea
Moltkia coerulea
Perennial, greyish throughout with rigid adpressed hairs. Stems 10-20 cm, ascending or erect, simple. Basal leaves 50-80 mm, oblanceolate, obtuse, attenuate at base of lamina; cauline 20-35 mm, oblong, acute, sessile. Inflorescence of 2-3 terminal cymes, subcapitate in flower, elongated in fruit. Bracts ovate-Ianceolate, acute. Calyx subsessile, 3-4 mm, lobes acute; fruiting calyx shortly pedicellate, 6-8 mm. Corolla deep blue, 10-12 mm, tube cylindrical to cylindrical-campanulate, lobes ± recurved. Nutlets c. 4 mm, punctate to tuberculate and ± rugose, with a distinct subhorizontal beak. Fl. 4-6. Stony steppe, fields, field margins, 700-1850 m.
N. Syria, Transcaucasia, N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Related to M. longifolia Weltst. from Syrian Desert, N. Iraq & Iran, and to M. aurea.