Lappula barbata
Lappula barbata
Biennial, very variable in degree of branching, 20-45 cm, ± sericeous. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate to linear-oblong, basal ± withered at anthesis. Inflorescence much-branched. Flowers distinctly pedicellate, pedicels c. 2 mm and suberect in fruit. Calyx lobes ± narrowly lanceolate, erecto-patent in fruit. Corolla rotate, tube 1·2 mm, limb conspicuous, 5-7 mm diam., sometimes marbled paler and darker blue in sicco. Nutlets depressed-pyriform, c. 3·3 x 1·6 mm, distinctly marginate, with short to 1 mm narrowly stalked glochids and 1-2 subsidiary rows of shorter glochids especially in lower ½ ; disc and dorsal surface tuberculate, keel of disc ± crested, usually shortly glochidiate. Style distinctly exserted from between tips of nutlets; Fl. 5-7. Steppe, stony and igneous slopes, field margins, waste places, etc., 830-3100 m.
Balkans, S. Russia, Caucasia, N., N.W., W. & S. Iran, Khorassan, Afghanistan. Ir.-Tur. element.