Huynhia pulchra
Huynhia pulchra
Perennial, with stout scaly stock. Stem simple, 17-42 cm, densely patent-pilose. Leaves softly hispidulous to pilose, lanceolate to oblong; basal attenuate into short petiole, blade 6-15 x 1-2·5 cm; cauline sessile, cordate-amplexicaul. Inflorescence a compact terminal head. Calyx 10-12 mm in flower, 13-18 mm in fruit, divided ± to base, lacking gibbous projections, lobes obtuse. Corolla sulphur-yellow, 20-24 mm; tube puberulous inside and outside, 15-18 mm, annulus absent; limb 18-26 mm diam., sinuses with blackish spots which fade with age. Stamens inserted irregularly at different levels. Nutlets 4-4·5 x 3-3·5 mm, ovoid-subglobose, acute, chestnut-brown, tuberculate and faintly rugulose-scrobiculate, with sharp ventral keel. Fl. 6-7. Rocky and grassy slopes, 1525-3000 m.
Caucasus, Georgia, N. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element.