Cynoglottis barrellieri

Cynoglottis barrellieri


Sparsely tuberculate-strigose annual; stems erect, 15-40 cm. Leaves 40-70 x 5-12 mm, elliptic to lanceolate, ± entire to undulate-crenate. Inflorescence compact in flower, becoming lax in fruit; bracts small, linear. Calyx 3-5 mm, elongating to 6-9 mm in fruit, adpressed- to spreading-strigulose, divided to between ½ and 5/6 into ligulate or narrowly spathulate, obtuse lobes. Corolla blue, tube 1-1,5 mm, lobes 3-5 mm. Nutlets 2-4x c. 1mm, erect. 2n=24. Fl. 4-6. Pinus brutia forest, stony slopes, fallow fields, 700-2600 m.

Italy, Balkans, S. Russia.

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