Cynoglossum montanum
Cynoglossum montanum
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Biennial, ± softly patent- or adpressed-hirsute, 30-50 cm. Leaves usually ± hirsute, sometimes glabrescent, lamina ± narrowly linear-oblong to linear-lanceolate, lower petiolate, to 20 cm, upper sessile, usually erect and ± adpressed to stem. Cymes few, ebracteate, lax in fruit. Calyx 3,5-4,9 mm in flower. Corolla dark maroon to deep pink, very rarely bluish, 4,8-6,5 mm, cylindrical to infundibular; scales subquadrate, their bases c. 1 mm above insertion of anthers. Nutlets 4-6 mm diam., immarginate; dorsal surface flat to convex, less densely glochidiate than lateral and ventral surfaces, with or without scattered small tubercles between glochids. Fl. 4-8. Quercus and Juniperus scrub, steppe, rocky slopes, meadows, banks, 360-2200 m.
S. Europe, S.W. Asia eastward to N. & N.W. Iran. Euro-Sib. element.