Anchusa leptophylla


Anchusa leptophylla


Ssp leptophylla: Ballık; Ssp incana: Toklubaşı; Ssp tomentosa: Yünlü ballık
Strigulose to canescent-strigulose biennials or perennials; stems erect, 40-70 cm, ± simple to much-branched. Leaves linear, 60-110 x 6-8 mm, entire. Inflorescence sericeous to ± spreading-strigulose, elongating in fruit; bracts ovate-lanceolate, minute. Calyx 4-9 mm in flower, elongating in fruit, divided to 1/3 –2/3  into obtuse lobes. Corolla usually bright blue with white throat, occasionally white to yellow; tube 6-10 mm, lobes 2-4 mm. Nutlets 2-3 x 2·5-4 mm, obliquely ovoid. Fl. 6-7. Rocky slopes, sandy steppe, 800-3000 m.
1. Calyx 7-9 mm in flower; corolla tube 8-10 mm subsp. tomentosa 
1. Calyx 4-6 mm in flower; corolla tube 6-8 mm .
   2. Calyx divided to 1/2  or more, ± spreading-hairy, indumentum sometimes sparse; stems branched copiously throughout  ......subsp. incana 
      2. Calyx divided to c. 1/3 , densely sericeous; stems branched only near base subsp. leptophylla 
subsp. incana-Alanya
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subsp. incana-Alanya
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