Helichrysum plicatum
Helichrysum plicatum
Subsp isauricum: Savran; Subsp plicatum: Mantuvar; Subsp polyphyllum: Kalisar çiçeği; Subsp pseudoplicatum: Bozoğlan
Plant glandular, subglabrous to lanate-tomentose. Flowering stems erect or procumbent, 4-42 cm, arising from woody branching horizontal caudices. Resting buds usually absent. Basal leaves linear-oblanceolate, 10-100 x 2-10 mm; cauline leaves subamplexicaul, linear-oblanceolate to linear, 15-70 x 2-20 mm. Capitula subglobose to hemispherical, 4-9 mm. Phyllaries obtuse to acute, ± irregularly and loosely imbricate, often with longitudinal plicae, yellow or cream. All flowers hermaphrodite or the marginal row female. Fl. 6-8.
1. Plants subglabrous; cauline leaves 40-70 x 5-20 mm, yellowish-green ..........subsp. polyphyllum
1. Plants thinly to densely lanate-tomentose; whitish- or greyish-green
2. Involucre cream ....................................................... subsp. pseudoplicatum
2. Involucre yellow ..............................................................subsp. plicatum
External distribution of species: Balkans, Lebanon, N. Iraq, Iran, Caucasia.
subsp. isauricum
Perennial. Stem erect 25-48 cm, arising from woody caudex, densely hairy with many glandular hairs. Rosulate basal leaves 60-80 x 10-14.2 mm, oblongsparhulate, obtuse, 3-veined. Lower cauline leaves soon withering, 40-45 x 7-8.5 mm, narrowly oblong-spathulate, margine undulate; upper cauline leaves smaller, finally passing over into bracts. Intlorescence corymbose with 18-29 capitula. Involucre 7-8 mm, broadly campanulate to hemispherical. Immature achenes 1 mm, papillose. Pappus 4-4.5 mm, yellowish. Fl. 7-8. Ophiolitic and calcareous, rocky and grassy slopes, degraded Abies cilicica forest, 1500-2100 m.
Endemic. Medit element.