Eryngium palmito

Eryngium palmito

Has boğadikeni

Perennial, with a fibrous collar. Stems remotely leaved, at least 0,5 m, 3-4-furcate above. Basal leaves palmately dissected into 5-7, narrowly linear, forward pointing segments up to 20 cm x 2-3 mm, entire or adpressed-setose. Cauline leaves similar but with a short vaginate spinulose-margined petiole. Inflorescence amethyst, branches subracemose, lax and depauperate, bearing subglobose capitula subsolitary in the leaf axils. Bracts 5-6, lanceolate-subulate, pungent, sparsely spinose-margined, 1 ½ -2 x capitulum. Bracteoles all entire, or the outermost tricuspidate. FI. 8. Pine forests.

Endemic. E. Medit. element. 

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