Cnidium silaifolium

Cnidium silaifolium

Ssp orientale: Galyobişotu


Erect perennial, branched above, with glabrous, finely ridged, solid stems 50-120 cm. Lower leaves trullate-triangular,. up to 40 x 15 cm, 3-4-pinnate, ultimate segments ± rigid, linear-elliptic or ovate, divided into oblong elliptic lobes, 5-33 x 1-8 mm, prominently veined beneath; apices mucronate; cauline leaves with broad, sturdy petioles. Rays 17-40, subequal, 10-50 mm, scabrid or asperulous on margins or not. Bracts absent or 2-5, 3-20 x 0,2-0,8 mm. Bracteoles 5-10, 2-9 x 0,2-0,5 mm. Pedicels 2-8 mm. Flowers 15-30 per umbellule. Fruit ovoid or oblong-elliptic, 3-4 x 2-2,5 mm, glabrous, or ± papillose; styles deflexed, up to 2,5 mm. Fl, 7-8. Pinus nigra woods, limestone rocks, cliffs, dry river beds, 300-1900 m.

Balkans, Latakia, Lebanon.

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