Bupleurum semicompositum

Bupleurum semicompositum

Sağır şeytanayağı

Annual, 3-20 cm, erect or ascending, pseudo-dichotomously branched from the base. Leaves 1-3 cm long, 2-5 mm broad, linear to spathulate. Umbels short-peduncled, rays 4-6, very unequal, 0,5-15 mm. Bracts 4, 3-5 mm. Bracteoles 5, herbaceous, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, apiculate, 2,5-8 mm, with marked, scabrid veins. Umbellules 4-7-flowered, pedicels very unequal. Petals 0,3-0,4 mm, purplish, inconspicuously papillate with 0,05 mm papillae. Anthers 0,2-0,25 mm. Stylopodium 0,45 mm, deeply divided, styles 0,2 mm. Fruit 0,9-1,1 mm, and equally broad, with irregular, white papillae. Fl. 3-6. Seashores, saline earth, dry open habitats. Preferably maritime, c. 200 m.

W., C. & S. Mediterranean , Arabia?, Palestine, Cyprus, S.W. Iran, Azerbaijan.

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