Bilacunaria anatolica

Bilacunaria anatolica

Perennial, monocarpic, 35-70 cm tall hemicryptophyte. Rootstock thick, with a weakly developed fibrous collar that is papery to membranous above. Stem stout, densely but very shortly puberulent, distinctly sulcate-striate,±angular, much-branched throughout. Basal leaves broadly oblong to obovate in outline, entirely asperulous, very rigid, semisucculent, 15-30x10-25 cm ; lamina 3-5-pinnate; primary segments ±remote; ultimate segments subulate, ±terete, spine-like, thickened, 3-8x 1.0-1.5 mm, subulate-acuminate, sulcate-striate at surface; petioles  ±flattened at sheath, gradually becoming terete-angular towards the primary segments, 4-14 cm long. Cauline leaves acropetally decreasing in size; middle and upper cauline leaves 1-2-pinnate or simple, semi-amplexicaul. Inflorescence much-branched, the branches opposite or in whorls of 3 or more, rigid, ascending. Flowers hermaphroditic; umbels 6-11-rayed; rays 2-6 cm long, equal, glabrous, striate. Bracts 4-6, 5-11x0.5-1.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, rarely bifid or trifid, acuminate, scabridulous, persistent. Umbellules 10-16-flowered, when ripe 2-5, 4-15 mm long, glabrous or rarely asperulous. Bracteoles 4-7, 5-8x 0.5-1.0 mm, linear-subulate, rarely divided, slightly asperulous. Sepals ±obsolate, rounded, yellowish-green. Petals yellow, 0.5-1.0x0.5 mm, oblong, strongly incurved at the apex, glabrous. Filaments ca 2 mm long. Anthers ±oblong, about 0.5 mm long, yellow. Stylopodium flattened with undulate margin, not embedded in corky pericarp; styles short, inconspicuous at first, sometimes recurved at the apex, gracefully conical, horizontal, glabrous, ca 2 mm long; stigmae subcapitate. Fruit rounded to ±oblong, 4-5x4-5 mm, and distinctly didymous, greenish-yellow when ripe, mericarps with conspicuously obtuse ridges, glabrous, smooth.


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