Allium cappadocicum

 Allium cappadocicum

 Peri körmeni

 Bulb ovoid, 1-2 cm diam.; outer tunics black, splitting into fibres, produced into a long black neck. Stem 30-40 cm. Leaves narrowly linear, 1-2 mm broad, canaliculate, smooth. Spathe long-beaked, caducous, leaving some remnants at base of umbel. Umbel subglobose, 2-3 cm diam., many-flowered, dense; pedicels 2-5 x perianth. Perianth narrowly cylindrical; segments pink, purplish or rarely white, glossy, c. 3-4 mm, oblong-elliptic, obtuse. Filaments glabrous; cusps of inner ones subexserted, somewhat shorter than basal lamina, median cusp scarcely shorter than lateral cusps. Capsule globose, c. 2.5 mm. Fl. 6-7. Pinus nigra forest, dry rocky places, dunes, vineyards, roadsides, 900-1400 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Allied to A. atroviolaceum but differs from the latter by its smooth canaliculate leaves, shorter pedicels without bracteoles and by the filaments being not ciliate.

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