Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris
Prostrate annual herbs with simple hairs. Stems 15-80 cm, with short adpressed indumentum and longer ± spreading hairs. Young shoots and leaves silvery pilose. Leaves paripinnate, with 10-16 leaflets. Leaflets ovate or elliptic, often asymmetric at base, 5-8 x 2-3 mm, flat. Flowers scattered, solitary in the axils of leaves. Sepals c. 5 mm, ovate, silky-hairy. Petals 4-5 mm, yellow, fugaceous. Fruit 4-5-merous, c. 10 mm across, the carpels ornamented with 2 large and numerous shorter horns, puberulent to nearly glabrous. FI. 6-9. Open or sandy places, fallow fields, s.I.-1200 m.
S. Europe, S.W. Asia.