Salix caprea
Salix caprea
Shrub or small tree 3-10 m; bark coarsely fissured, yellowish. Twigs rather thick, pubescent at first, soon glabrescent. Decorticated wood smooth or with scattered weak striations. Buds elongate-ovoid, blackish, obtuse. Leaves broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 1.5-2.2 x as long as broad, 5-12 x 3-5.5 cm, obtuse, acute or obliquely acuminate, margin sinuate-dentate, crenate or entire, ± undulate, dark green and glabrous above, softly grey-tomentose below, almost lanate ; petiole 1-1.5 cm. Stipules large, reniform to semicordate, dentate, caducous. Catkins appearing before leaves, subsessile; male oblong-ovoid, 2-3.5 x 1.5-2 cm; stamens 2, filaments glabrous, anthers 0.91.2 mm ; female elongating to 3-7 em in fruit, capsule 6-8 mm, ovoid-conical, tomentose; pedicel 4-6 x nectary in fruit. Fl. 4-5. Streamsides, open deciduous forests, s.l.-2250 m.
Temperate Eurasia. Euro-Sib, element.