Salix acmophylla
Salix acmophylla
Acem söğüdü
Shrub or small tree. Bark of trunk longitudinally ridged. Twigs slender and often sub-pendulous, glabrous, rusty red; buds small, acute, outer scale with free margins. Decorticated wood smooth or weakly striate. Leaves linear-lanceolate to linear, 5-20 x as long as broad, 60-160 x 7-20 mm, long-acuminate; prominently veined beneath, glaucous or pale green below, pale green above, margin entire or subserrulate to weakly crenulate, glabrous. Stipules minute, caducous. Catkins appearing before leaves, short and dense; male narrowly ovoid, on 8-12 mm stalk, filaments short, anthers pale yellow; female narrowly ovoid, on c. 2.5 mm stalk; capsule thickened at base, ovoid, 3 mm, pale yellowish-brown, glabrous, on 0.5 mm pedicel. Fl. 2-3. River banks, streamsides, 700-1830 m.
S.W. & C. Asia. Ir.Tur. element.