Haplophyllum pumiliforme
Haplophyllum pumiliforme
Cüce sedo
Stem shortly crisped-pubescent, very variable in stature, 9-25 cm. Leaves simple, entire, usually lanceolate-obovate, long-attenuate and pseudo-petiolate below, densely crisped-hairy to almost glabrous. Inflorescence compact, branches crisped-hairy. Sepals linear-lanceolate to narrowly linear, blackish green when dry. Petals broadly to narrowly ovate, 6-7 mm. Filaments narrow, gradually attenuate from base to apex. Young ovary segments biovulate, glabrous, with a blunt terminal tuberculate appendage. Capsule glabrous, c. 3,5 x 2 mm, with numerous small, conical tuberculate glands below and a larger conical tubercle on the outer upper surface of each segment. Seeds closely transversely ridged. Fl. 5-6. On marly limestone, steppe, metamorphic slopes or damper places, 800-1250 m.