Galium hierosolymitanum

Galium hierosolymitanum 

Tarla iplikçiği
Strongly branched annual, 15-30 cm, ± blackish on drying. Stems ascending to erect, distinctly quadrangular to subalate and densely retrorsely scabrid in lower 1/2, often subterete and ± smooth upwards, branches ± spreading, glabrous or hirsute. Leaves in ± closely grouped whorls of 8-10, 5-17 x 0.5-3 mm, lowest oblanceolate-spathulate, shortly cuspidate, subpetiolate, upper oblanceolate-elliptic, cuspidate to acuminate-aristate, with hyaline apex to 0.75 mm, antrorsely scabrid along the revolute margins and the midrib, lower glabrous, upper usually hirsute. Inflorescence pyramidal to cylindrical; cymes subcapitate, c. 12-20-flowered in ± corymbiform arrangement. Peduncles capillary, spreading, glabrous or hirsute. Pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm, inconspicuously thickened towards apex, glabrous or hirsute. Bracts linearsubulate, hyaline-pointed, 1/2 as long as cymes to somewhat longer. Corolla yellowish or purplish , c. 1.5-1.75 mm diam., cup-shaped; lobes ovate, acuminate-aristate . Mericarps broadly reniform, c. 0.75-1 mm, minutely verrucose, hirsute, with somewhat hooked hairs or glabrous. Fl. 4-6. Cultivated ground, rocky places, 500-1300 m.
W. Syria. E. Medit. element.
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