Potentilla kotschyana

Potentilla kotschyana

Çakıl parmakotu

Procumbent or ascending, pubescent, glandular perennial with flowering stems 10-40 cm. Leaves digitate; leaflets 5, obovate, 8-25 x 5-15 mm, cuneate at base, incised-serrate, adpressed-pubescent. Epicalyx segments oblong, usually 2-3-fid at apex. Sepals broadly ovate, 4-6 mm. Fruiting calyx accrescent. Petals pale yellow, obovate to obcordate, 5-8) mm. Achenes rugose; style subterminal, conical and papillose below, much shorter than achene. Fl. 4-7. Stony slopes, s.l.-2100 m.

Latakia, Lebanon. E. Medit. element.

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