Ranunculus munzurensis

Ranunculus munzurensis

Munzur düğünçiçeği

Erect, nearly glabrous perennial, 14-25 cm. Roots dimorphic, fusiform or cylindrical, 10-14 mm; fibrous roots fusiform, simple; neck sericeous-pilose. Stem 13-flowered, sparsely pilose above, glabrous below. Radical leaves with 5-15 cm petioles, glabrous, shortly vaginate at base; lamina palmately tripartite, glabrous, 2,7-5,4 x 2-3,5 cm, middle segment cuneate, trilobed to 1/5-1/3, lateral segments bipartite to 2/3-3/4, lobes oblong or oblong-ovate, subacute. Cauline leaves 1-4; lower ones distinctly petiolate, trisect, middle ones bi- or tripartite, upper ones linear-lanceolate. Sepals 5, patent, ovate or oblong-ovate, 3-4 mm, glabrous yellowish-green. Petals flavous, oblong-ovate, 7-9 x 4-5 mm. Anthers 1 mm. Fruiting head globose, 5 x 5 mm. Achenes 25-30, strongly compressed, ovate or orbicular-ovate, glabrous, 1,5 x 2 mm; beak 0,5 mm, winged, broadly acute, slightly hooked. Fl. 5. Alt. 1300-1500 m.

Endemic. Ir. Tur. element.

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